You can find install instructions and a basic usage example in the self-hosting section of creating a database.

All cli commands are easily findable through the cookie help command, but if you need more specifics, here they are:

  • cookie help: Show a menu listing off cookie CLI commands, as well as any global flags
  • cookie init: Initializes a cookie database instance given a certain folder. If no folder is specified, it will assume the current directory.
  • cookie create_user: Creates a database tenant in the configuration file. It accepts a directory with a initialized cookie database as an argument and three flags. If no directory is specified, it assumes the current directory. All flags are optional.
    • One of them is --username=EXAMPLE_NAME, which allows you to specify the username of this user. This must be unique among users.
    • The second is --token=EXAMPLE_AUTH, this should only be used if you already have a cryptographically secure token.
    • The third is --admin, this should only be used if you want this user to be able to programatically create and remove users
  • cookie start: Starts the database instance given a certain folder. If none is specified, it assumes the current directory.

Config File

A complete config file likes like the following:

  "port": "8777", // port where database will be hosted
  "log": false, // whether to log network requests
  "users": { // token:username pairs
    "ez04NL6y2umrnbwrTrzFgxaK6pXdo5ZA": "admin",
    "pzTvT53ksfaeBpUe7RPxEv1CWey1dQOA": "user"
  "admins": ["admin"]
  "cert_file": "/path/to/certFile.crt", // certificate for TLS (optional)
  "key_file": "/path/to/keyFile.key" // key for TLS (optional)